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Mortgage Income Types

Need help securing a mortgage due to your unique income situation? You're not alone. Our guide will show you the different types of income lenders consider and how they impact your mortgage chances and the best way to get started is by clicking the button below.

Almas Uddin
Almas Uddin

Founder and Mortgage Advisor

Almas Uddin2024-02-14
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Key Takeaways for Mortgage Income Types

  • Banks and mortgage lenders look at different types of income, including money from jobs, self-employment, renting properties out, investments, pensions, benefits, tax credits, and other sources. They need to know you can pay back the loan.
  • If your income is not regular like a salary—maybe because you're self-employed or earn from rentals—you might have to provide income proof of your earnings as proof of mortgage eligibility. This could be things like tax returns or rent received over past years.
  • Some incomes might not help you get a mortgage. Cash wages, winnings from gambling, uncertain child support monthly payments, unemployment benefits intended for short-term relief, work on zero-hour contracts with unpredictable hours, and paycheques from cryptocurrencies are less likely to be accepted by a mortgage lender.
  • Talking to a mortgage expert can make it easier if you've got a complex income. They know all about the different requirements and can guide you on what documents you'll need and how best to apply for your home loan.
  • You can also use an affordability calculator online to see how much money you might borrow based on what you earn and spend each month. And finding a broker who's used to dealing with complicated incomes could really help in getting your mortgage application approved.

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What Counts as Complex Income for a Mortgage?

When applying for mortgage deals, not all income is straightforward. Lenders take a closer look at varied sources, such as self-employment earnings or rental proceeds, to decide on your loan eligibility and prove mortgage eligibility.

Employment income

Employment income includes the money you earn from working a job. This can be salaries, wages, tips, bonuses or overtime pay. Lenders look at this type of income to determine if you have steady earnings that can cover mortgage repayments.

They consider your salary and other regular payments as reliable indicators of whether you are eligible for a mortgage and are able to repay a loan. As such, it’s important to learn more about low-income mortgage applications, too.

Banks and mortgage lenders require proof of employment income when assessing your application for a home loan. They may ask for recent payslips, tax returns, or bank statements showing deposits from your employer.

Your employment history also plays a crucial role; lenders prefer individuals with stable jobs as it suggests financial stability and less risk of defaulting on the loan. Employment contracts or letters from your employer might also be needed to verify permanent employment status and income details essential for qualifying for a mortgage.

Self-employment income

Self-employed individuals often face unique challenges when applying for a mortgage. Lenders scrutinise their income more closely because it can fluctuate monthly. Self-employed applicants must typically provide two to three years of accounts or tax returns.

This helps prove their income is stable and sustainable over time. Mortgage providers may also ask for evidence of future contracts or work to ensure the applicant can maintain their earnings.

Applicants must keep all records up-to-date and be prepared to explain any significant variations in their income year on year. A good credit score and a sizeable deposit can improve the chances of approval.

Rental income

Rental income counts as a reliable source when you're looking to qualify for a mortgage. Landlords earn this by renting out property they own. Banks and mortgage brokers see it as evidence that you can handle large financial commitments because it shows steady cash flow each month.

Lenders often ask for a history of rental payments received to use rental income for a mortgage application. This might include bank statements or rent receipts over the past few years.

They also consider the potential future earnings from the property, taking into account factors like location and market demand. Ensuring your rental agreements are formally documented can improve your chances of including this income in your mortgage assessment.

Investment income

Investment income comes from the money you earn through investments like shares, bonds, or savings accounts. This type of income can boost your application for a mortgage by showing lenders extra sources of funds beyond your regular job.

It's especially helpful if your investment dividends are consistent and can be proven over time.

Lenders look at this income closely to make sure it will continue in the future. They might ask for details about your investment portfolio and evidence that these earnings will keep coming in.

As with any income source, they want to ensure stability and reliability before approving a mortgage loan. Now, let’s explore pension income as another crucial part of your financial picture when applying for home loans.

Pension income

Moving from investment income, we now turn our focus to pension income or retirement income. It's a critical factor lenders consider when assessing your ability to take on a mortgage. Those in retirement or nearing it often rely on their pension as a primary source of income.

This can include state pensions, private pensions, and disability pensions. Lenders look at this fixed income to determine if you can consistently cover mortgage payments over time.

It's important for retirees or those planning for retirement to understand how their pension impacts mortgage qualification. Some might worry that a fixed pension won't be sufficient in the eyes of lenders.

However, with the right advice from experienced mortgage advisors and clear documentation of your pension earnings, securing a mortgage is entirely possible. It involves demonstrating that your pension is reliable and sufficient alongside any other sources of income you may have such as savings or investments.

Benefits and tax credits

Shifting from pension income, it's vital to consider how benefits and tax credits can play a role in mortgage applications. Lenders often view these as reliable sources of income, especially if you have a long-term entitlement.

This might include child maintenance payments, universal credit, or disability benefits. As part of your total income calculation, they could help meet the necessary thresholds for loan approval.

Lenders require income proof that these benefits will continue for the foreseeable future before including them in their assessments. You should keep all documentation up-to-date and ready to present during the application process.

Including these types of income demonstrates a diverse financial foundation, potentially making you more appealing to lenders looking beyond traditional employment incomes.

Other income sources

Moving from benefits and tax credits, it's important to consider other income sources that might play a role in meeting mortgage income requirements. These include trust fund disbursements, child support payments, and even certain unemployment benefits if they are steady and reliable.

Each of these can contribute to the total income needed for a mortgage, showing lenders you can afford the loan.

Income from gig economy jobs or part-time work also counts towards your overall financial picture when applying for a home loan. Freelancers and contractors should highlight their earnings as well, especially if they have consistent work history and invoices to show regular payments.

This variety of incomes demonstrates financial stability to lenders, crucial for fulfilling home loan to income ratio qualifications.

How Complex Income Can Affect Mortgage Approval

Dealing with complex income types can make navigating mortgage approval a bit trickier than usual. Lenders need to assess how much you earn reliably to ensure you can manage the repayments over the loan's term.

If your annual income comes from several sources including variable income types, self-employment, rental properties, agency staff with an umbrella company, freelance work and combined income, it might be harder for them to gauge your financial stability. They often look closely at your income history, preferring consistent earnings over fluctuating amounts.

Lenders use specific criteria and calculations, such as debt-to-income (DTI) ratios, to decide if an applicant qualifies for a mortgage. Complex incomes require thorough documentation and sometimes extra steps in the verification process.

This could lead to longer waiting times for approval or demands for additional evidence of sustainable earnings. Each lender has its own set of rules around what counts as acceptable income, which affects the options available to borrowers with non-traditional earnings streams.

Options For Delicate Income Types

Getting a mortgage requires proving a stable income. However, not all types of income will cut by lenders.

  1. Temporary contract or cash earnings: Many people earn their living in cash, especially gig and hospitality industry workers. Lenders often reject this income type due to the difficulty in verifying its authenticity.
  2. Gambling winnings: Even if you regularly win at the casino or betting, lenders won't consider this a reliable source of income for a mortgage because it's seen as too unpredictable.
  3. Child support payments: While this can be a significant part of someone's monthly income, many lenders are hesitant to count it due to its potential variability and legal enforceability issues.
  4. Non-mainstream income: These are intended as temporary assistance and are not viewed by lenders as sustainable long-term income, making them usually unacceptable for mortgage applications.
  5. Zero-hour contract earnings: People working on zero-hour contracts may find it challenging to get approved for a mortgage since their work hours, and therefore income, can fluctuate widely.
  6. Stipend income: Also known as benevolence income, this is a regular payment you might receive to support your living costs during training or while working, for example.
  7. Income from cryptocurrencies: Despite its growing popularity, most traditional lenders generally do not accept money from dealing in cryptocurrencies because of its volatility and regulatory uncertainties.
  8. Overseas income: If you earn your money in foreign currencies, some lenders might not accept it due to currency fluctuation risks and additional verification hurdles.

How to Get a Mortgage with Complex Income

Navigating the mortgage maze with complex income can seem daunting. However, finding the right advice and preparing meticulously opens doors to securing your home loan successfully.

Speak to a mortgage specialist

Talking to a mortgage specialist can greatly simplify the process of securing a home loan, especially if you have complex income. These experts understand the ins and outs of lending criteria, including the various income requirements for mortgages.

They use their knowledge to advise you on how best to present your finances when applying.

Mortgage specialists also guide you through potentially confusing aspects like interest rates, APRC (Annual Percentage Rate of Charge), and credit history requirements. They aim to find solutions that match your unique financial situation, streamlining the application process.

Their expertise can be invaluable in navigating the often-challenging path to mortgage approval with complex income types.

Gather necessary documents

After consulting a mortgage specialist, the next step is to compile all required documents. This process is crucial for lenders to assess your income and determine if you qualify for a home loan.

You'll need recent payslips if you’re employed or tax returns for self-employed individuals. Don't forget bank statements that show your income and outgoings, along with proof of any other earnings such as rental or investment income.

A credit report is also essential and help lenders evaluate your financial behaviour and debts history. Make sure to include documents proving identity and address, like a passport or utility bills.

Gathering these papers meticulously speeds up the approval process by providing a clear picture of your financial status.

Consider a specialist mortgage

Choosing a specialist mortgage can open doors for those with complex income streams. These mortgages are designed to accommodate unique financial situations, like self-employment or income from multiple sources.

Lenders who offer these products often have more flexible criteria and understand the nuances of varied income types. They can assess applications on a case-by-case basis, considering the whole financial picture rather than just ticking boxes.

Working with these lenders means you might find solutions that mainstream banks overlook, such as buy-to-let mortgages or deals suited for sole traders and limited liability partnerships (LLPs).

Their expertise in dealing with non-traditional earnings can significantly increase your chances of approval. It’s about matching your specific situation with a lender geared towards understanding complex incomes, so you're not left out due to rigid requirements or misunderstood circumstances.

Use an affordability calculator

After considering a specialist mortgage, the next step is to figure out what you can afford using a mortgage affordability calculator. This tool offers a clear view of how much you might borrow based on your income and expenses.

It factors in your complex income types, including fixed incomes, rental earnings, and any benefits you receive. By inputting your details into the mortgage calculator, it quickly computes the maximum loan amount that fits within your financial landscape.

The results give you invaluable insights into how different mortgage interest rates and terms could impact your monthly repayments. This empowers you to make informed decisions about the size of the home loan for which you may qualify.

Furthermore, knowing your borrowing capacity helps streamline discussions with lenders or brokers experienced in dealing with complex incomes, ensuring they provide options best suited to your financial situation.

Get matched with a broker experienced in complex income types

Using an affordability calculator helps you understand what you can manage financially. After that, finding a broker with experience in complex income types is crucial. These brokers possess the knowledge and connections to navigate the more intricate aspects of mortgage requirements for various income sources, whether it involves fixed-income, self-employment or rental earnings.

Brokers specialised in these areas work closely with lenders who are comfortable dealing with non-traditional income streams. They know exactly how to present your financial situation in the best light to secure mortgage approval.

Their expertise could be the key factor in turning your home ownership dreams into reality, particularly if your income pattern doesn't fit the standard mould.


Navigating the world of mortgages with various income types can be a challenge. Expert advice and the right documentation smooth this journey considerably. A specialist mortgage broker shine a light on paths less travelled by traditional earners.

They unlock doors to homes we dream of owning. With determination, the right support makes all the difference in securing that key home loan.

Almas Uddin
Almas Uddin

Founder and Mortgage Advisor

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Frequently Asked

To qualify for a home loan, you must meet the income requirements set by lenders which vary but generally depend on the price of the house you want to buy and your other financial obligations.

Yes, temporary workers can qualify for mortgages, but they may need to provide additional evidence of their earnings and job stability to satisfy lender requirements.

First-time buyers might benefit from schemes like Help to Buy or Lifetime ISAs that offer support with deposits and access to better mortgage rates.

Whether you are an employee on PAYE, self-employed, or have variable income, lenders will assess your ability to maintain mortgage payments. Employees often find it straightforward while self-employed individuals may need to provide more detailed proof of income.

Failing to keep up with mortgage payments risks having your home repossessed by the lender as a last resort after attempts at resolution have failed.

Most lenders consider various types of earned income including salaries (for employees), profits (for business owners), bonuses, commissions, and in some cases benefits like National Insurance contributions when assessing what affects mortgage eligibility for a loan.

Further Reading

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FCA disclaimer

The content included in our articles, blogs, web pages and news publications is based on information accurate at the time of writing. Note that policies and criteria can change regularly throughout the UK mortgage lending market, and it remains essential to contact the consultation team to receive up to date guidance. The information included on the Revolution Brokers site is not bespoke to any circumstances or individual application scenarios and therefore is not intended to be used as financial advice. The content we share is designed to be informative and helpful but cannot be relied upon to provide individual advice relevant to your mortgage requirements. All Revolution team members are fully qualified, trained and experienced to provide mortgage advice of an independent nature.

We collaborate with lenders and providers who are regulated, authorised and registered with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Should you require specific mortgage borrowing types, some products such as buy to let mortgages may not be FCA regulated. The Revolution team can provide further information about regulated and unregulated lending as required. Please remember that a mortgage is a debt which is secured against your home or property. Your home can be at risk of repossession if you do not keep up with the repayments or encounter any other difficulties in managing your mortgage borrowing responsibly. This also applies to any remortgage or home loan secured against your property, including equity release products.

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